
How To Save Money On Credit Cards

Some credit cards offer a cash advance option. But how good a deal is this?

Not very. In fact, it can be downright expensive.


Because every time you use your credit card to withdraw case, more fees kick in:

Here's an example of how these fees kick in:

Assume you bought a television for $500 on your card and then took out $50 in cash. Even though you pay the $50 back the next day, you still lose your interest-free period because the credit provider deems you pay the cash back last.

As a result you will still owe the $50, but you will now only owe $450 on the $500 worth of purchases.

You'll continue to forfeit your interest-free period up until you have completely paid back the full $550. Any future purchases will still be ahead of the $50 in the payback line.

The lesson is simple: Avoid using your credit card to withdraw cash wherever possible. You'll save money as a result!

About The Author

Paul Davis is financial writer and contributor to Stop by and pick up your FREE guide on how to get out of debt now at:



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