
Beware the Shopping Mall Monster

Like me, you've probably been offered a fair old number of these by now...

..and, if you're like most people, chances are you maybe own at least one or two.

They always seem to put in an appearance at just the right (or wrong) moment...

It might be Saturday and you've just seen the clothing item of your dreams.

That can be a pain, though, if this month's paycheck isn't due for another week.

You're undecided.

Until, that is, you're offered...

..a store card.

One of the horrible ironies about store cards is that the vast majority of people who sign up for one actually had no intention of making a purchase before they left the house.

But if you're caught in the above situation, the convenience factor frequently wins the day, doesn't it? Add on top of this all the little goodies thrown in as a sweetener...

An introductory discount on goods - typically around the 10% mark - extra money off during sales periods etc...

But let me tell you what the sales assistant probably won't...

For starters, did you know that many department stores will currently charge you anything up to 30% interest on that little card they offer you? (yes, even those ones with the pretty pictures.) That's around double the interest of your standard credit card!

Sound scandalous?

Well, hang around... it gets a lot worse!

Here are just a few of the pitfalls you should look out for the next time you're offered a store card...

Probably the worst thing about store cards is that it's very easy to build up an array of them so that, before you know it, there seems to be more of them in your wallet than there are coat hangars in your wardrobe.

And in what seems like no time at all...

.. you've just spent way, way beyond your means!

If you feel you must buy on credit why not use a credit card with a low or even 0% rate? After all, if you're going to have debts, you may as well make them cheap ones!

A store card might seem handy and convenient but they generally come with a horrendous hidden cost.

So next time you're a tempted to take on another piece of plastic, make sure you get all the facts up front.

Your bank balance might just thank you for it.

Copyright © 2004 by Colin McCaig

About The Author

Colin Mc Caig is dedicated to helping others become debt free and start their own home-based business. Get his free 6-part mini-course. Learn the powerful secrets to becoming debt-free using only the money you have today. Send a blank email to:



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Your Credit Score
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