
The Best Strategy To Erase Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt is a growing sickness in the United States and Europe. It is very important to eliminate debt and take control of your financial health.

In the below section, I have listed the best strategy to erase credit card debt. This strategy is tried and true and often recommended by financial planners and debt consolidation firms.

"@Copyrights 2005" - Bill A Smith is a debt consolidator for Ameri debt consolidation services. Bill has over 10 years of experience in providing debt consolidation, debt counseling and debt management services to clients.



How to Dispute Credit Report Errors
Your credit report--a type of consumer report--contains information about where you work and live and how you pay your bills. It also may show whether you've been sued or arrested or have filed for bankruptcy.
Credit Reports - Why Your Credit Score is Important
If you have never heard of a FICO score before, you should become familiar with the term. Named for the firm that invented it, Fair Isaac Corp.
Credit Traps Snag Consumers
Nearly 20 years ago I worked for a small consumer advocacy organization in Washington, DC. Each week we received sacks full of mail from consumers across the country requesting our list of credit cards with low interest rates and no annual fees.
Credit Repair Companies and Credit Counseling
Let's be crystal clear, right up front. Paying someone to "fix" your credit is a waste of your time and money, since the negative issues that are temporarily removed from your file will only reappear again in a couple of months.
Cash Advance - How Does It Work?
If you want a cash advance or a payday/paycheck loan, you usually get a personal check. Some companies use your bank account or credit card in addition to or instead of a check.
Credit Card Is Adding The Silver Lining To Your Pocket
In the new millennium plastic money or credit cards has rendered a new zing factor to your pocket. This has not only made you economically more flexible but subsequently added glamour to your financial image as well.
Repair Your Credit - The Right Way!
How to Repair a Bad Credit Rating?The Right Way!If you have a bad credit rating, then you might find that your ability to get financing, loans, and even some jobs is greatly diminished.Once you have a bad credit rating, it might seem like there's nothing that you can do about it? but you don't have to believe that.
Finance - Money, Money
Finance is a big word for some of us. It's a little scary.
The Top 5 Secrets to Managing Your Credit Cards-So They Won't Manage You
You've probably never heard of Frank X. McNamara, but he revolutionized the way you shop on a daily basis.
The Easy Way To Gain Access To Your Free Online Credit Report
When you apply for credit, those lending you the money want to know if you are going to pay them back. One way they decide if you are a good risk is to see how you've dealt with other people's money.
What Should I Do If I've Become a Victim of Identity Theft?
Identity thieves take advantage of everyday opportunities to discover your personal information and use it to commit fraud or other crimes. The good news is a victim of identity theft has more options today than ever before.
Top 5 Reasons To Check Your Credit Report Regularly
#1 Make sure mistakes aren't hurting your credit.Reviewing your credit report can help you avoid costly errors.
Credit Card Balance Transfers Explained
What is a balance transfer ? A balance transfer can be explained simply as a balance transfer! When a balance is transferred usually from a credit card, but possible from a bank account or loan to a credit card with a offer interest rate (usually 0%) for a set period. It does not have to be the entire amount.
Automobile Credit Report
When applying for a loan to purchase a car, the lender will want to take a look at a person's auto credit report. Credit reports tell lenders all they need to know about granting a loan to all applicants.
Shoppers Beware - Tis The Season
It's the number one complaint from consumers and it only takes a moment for you to become a victim. While you search for holiday bargains, identity thieves are searching for targets - unsuspecting consumers.
Why Americans Find Predatory Lending Offensive
"Menis - the author translates as "indignant rage" - It is the kind of rage arising from social betrayal that impairs a person's dignity through violation of "what's right." (p21), Achilles In Viet Nam - Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character, Jonathan Shay, M.
Minimum Credit Card Payments to Rise
For years, major credit card companies have allowed cardholders to make minimum payments of 2% of the outstanding balances on their credit cards. Having customers pay the minimum doesn't reduce the balance by very much, but when the 18-30% interest rates that many credit cards charge is applied, the result is a profitable ones for the banks that issue credit cards.
Identity Theft - Dont Think You Are Immune
As identity theft becomes more prevalent, the need to regularly check your credit report is very easy to see and understand. Two big headlines in the news recently point to how closely tied your credit report and identity theft are.
Understanding the Function of Credit
What is Credit?Credit is the backbone and the engine behind the workings of the economy. Credit simply allows individuals and companies to borrow funds in good faith and pay it back over a specified time frame.
Is Plastic Making You Happier?
If you're like most people, you probably own at least one.And like most people, you've maybe never thought what it's really costing you?At a recent conference held by the Fabian Society at London's Imperial college, one of the issues discussed was happiness, and, more specifically, why it seems to elude so many of us.