
Why Should You Use Credit Cards

Believe it or not, the way society, especially the commercial side, is set up these days, the only alternative to using credit is to pay cash for everything. But it's actually quite hard to do that. For example, if you want to rent a car, you have to have a credit card, even if you pay cash for the rental. The reason for that is because once a company has your credit card with your signature, they'll never lose money. If you default on anything, or if extra charges come up later, all they do is charge your credit card. Many companies require a credit card before they'll do any kind of business with you, for that very reason.

After you enter the workforce, it's a good idea to apply for a credit card with a small limit. Any one of the major credit card companies will help you. Those companies are Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Buy something with your credit card, and pay it off as fast as you can. That's the basics of establishing a good credit record. If you continue to do that, buying bigger and bigger items and paying them off, on time, then you'll end up with an A-1 credit rating. Then when you want to make a major purchase, like a car, or a house, you won't have any trouble qualifying at the bank.

So there's good value in using credit cards. They allow you to buy something you want now, enjoy it now, and pay for it later. That's the reason credit was given in the first place, way back in the 18th century - to allow you to buy larger items like furniture, that you couldn't afford to pay cash for. The system worked great, and still does today - as long as you don't abuse it.

Chris Dodd is the author of many informative articles on finance issues. Here at Low Apr Credit cards you can find the latest offers and credit card deals to help you reduce your overall credit costs.



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