
Credit Information

Are You The Only One Using Your Name?

Identity theft has become an epidemic. Millions and millions of purses and wallets are stolen everyday and many of them are not just taken for the money inside.

What You Need to Know About Credit Reports

You hear people talk about credit reports all the time but do you know what they are really all about? Well, if you have ever been turned down when applying for a credit card or a loan it is high time you learned all about your credit report and how you can get it working for you instead of against you.Let's start off by explaining what your credit report actually is.

Guide to Credit Terms

Listed below is a useful guide to credit card terms. It is a list of definitions of credit card terms that may or may not be familiar to you.

Types of Credit Cards

There are a whole variety of different types of credit cards available which can make choosing the right one a very confusing experience. In order to help you decide, listed below is a useful breakdown of the various types of credit cards available.

Identity Theft - How to Protect Yourself

"Like the tan? I got tons of sun on that Caribbean cruise. First class tickets to Florida and back! Nope, not an airline upgrade.

Credit Card Tips

Here are some useful credit card tips for you to consider before applying for a credit card. Before applying for a credit card, you should decide why you want one, and make sure you can use it wisely.

What is a Credit Card?

A credit card allows you to buy things even though you might not have the money to pay for it right away. The company that gave you the card lets you spend up to an agreed sum and then makes additional money available to you as you pay off what you've spent.

Credit Card Benefits and Drawbacks

Credit cards have both benefits and drawbacks. It is wise to consider both before applying for a credit card.

Student Credit Cards 101

Almost all students have and use student credit cards. Some of the students use them wisely and build for them an early credit history but others accumulate lots of debts that would have to be paid off once the student life is over.

Credit Education

Having credit education is like knowing how to read. It will be necessary throughout your life.

Understanding Your Rights Under The Equal Credit Opportunity Act

It wasn't all that long ago that lenders blatantly discriminated when it came to approving credit for women and minority groups. Women were actually asked personal and demeaning questions like, how many children do you plan to have in the future or are you on birth control?Despite the fact that they were entering the workforce in record numbers, single women were often required to get a cosigner or denied credit altogether.

All Is Fair In Love, War, and, Your Credit Report - At Least It Should Be! Understanding the FCRA

Fact: Over 150 million Americans have credit report with the three major credit reporting agencies. Approximately 50 million of these credit reports contain errors, many of which are inaccurate.

How To Survive In A Plastic World, Qualifying For Credit Card

Let's face it, having credit is no longer a choice. "Don't leave home without it" is more like "can't buy a home without it.

Like It Or Not, You Have A Score To Settle! Part 1

Just when most people finish with school and can stop worrying about test scores, there's a new kind of scoring that enters the picture. It's called credit scoring.

Improving Your Credit Report

Even if you think you have a wonderful credit report, be wary of the error factor. Just as you receive mail with your name and address misspelled, your credit report can have errors as well.

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Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Your Credit Report
Your credit report is a very powerful report that essential controls what you can and cannot do in your life. Unfortunately many people aren't aware of what a credit report actually is and what information is contained on the report.
Credit Report Hassles
There is no end to the amount of pain that your credit report can cause you. If you have a bad credit history this is something that can follow you around and wreak havoc on your life without you even knowing it.
10 Ways To Protect Your Financial Identity Being Used For Someone Else's Shopping Spree
Someone impersonating you could be spending your hard-earned money.Impossible! Not really, check, loan, and identity fraud are a real problem.
Avoiding ID Theft and Credit Fraud
Article excerpted from the new book, "How to Do Space Age Work with a Stone Age Brain" TM copyright 2004, all rights reserved, by Eve Abbott, the Organizer ExtraordinaireEach year billions of dollars in credit fraud is perpetrated on unsuspecting citizens. With so much personal information publicly available (or easily available to someone with medium computing skills) it is essential to develop good habits to prevent your information from falling into criminal hands.
Good Credit -- Essential for the Prospective Home Buyer
Credit is a funny thing. It can be a useful tool in the hands of an informed individual, or a weight of burden to the unsuspecting.
Its Your Credit - Take Care of It!
Thanks to the Fair and Accurate Credit Act, American consumers can receive a free annual credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus-Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. You can order your free credit report by visiting www.
Credit Report - Watch Out for Parking Tickets
The economic downturn of the last five years has affected millions of Americans, but it has also affected the budgets of states, cities and counties. With limited tax dollars with which to work, various government entities have had to try to stretch their budgets to allow them to continue to function.
What You Need to Know about Debt Negotiation on Credit Cards
Debt negotiation on credit cards is often referred to as credit card debt settlement. Whenever you make a credit card payment- or even pay your utility bills- it usually gets reported to one- or all- of the three main credit agencies.
Choosing the Right Credit Counseling Agency for You - Some Tips Part 2
Credit counseling companies come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you are looking at working with a local credit counseling organization or a national credit counseling organization there are some very important factors to calculate before choosing the right credit counseling option for you.
Various Types of Credit Cards - Part 2
Several different types of credit cards offer several different options, depending on what your needs are. Some are geared toward individual consumers while others are set up in ways that work best for small business needs.
7 Surefire Ways To Repair Bad Credit
Do you have a poor credit rating? If so, you are one of tens of thousands of Americans with the same problem. In fact, it seems that this has become a national 'disease.
Consumer Credit Reports
A consumer credit report is a factual record of an individual's credit payment history. It is provided for a purpose permitted by law: to help a credit grantor or lender quickly and objectively decide whether to grant you credit.
Bounced Checks - Straight Talk On Dealing With Bad Checks (NSF)
A check can be considered bad if it is bogus or the NSF checks (non sufficient funds check), also referred as bounced check.The issuance of a NSF or bad checks is an unlawful act and can attract civil and criminal penalties.
All You Wanted to Know of Bad Credit
Martin Henderson is in a fix these days. Because of his failure to repay a loan he had taken a few years back, he has been adjudged as a bad credit case.
UPS Delivers the Goods, Your Identity
Well now we add CitiGroup and UPS to the Identity Theft corporations who have allowed Americans identity to be lost. Each time we have another identity theft case, we find larger and large numbers being lost.
How To Start A Second SEPERATE Credit File!
Your personal credit file is separated from those with the same or similar names by several factors, including a driver's license number, birth date, or spouse's name. Although these are three important identifying marks, the number one identifying mark on your credit report is your social security number.
10 Dirty Tricks Credit Card Companies Play
The credit card companies make billions each year in legitimate interest charges and fees, but are under constant pressure from the shareholders to increase their earnings. To make this extra money the credit card companies sometime adopt some dirty tricks to make this money.
What Does Your Credit Say About You?
A credit report is more than just a snapshot of your financial picture; it can assist credit grantors in determining your overall risk factor. Additionally, lenders, credit grantors, and even human resource departments often use it as a tool to determine a person's character.
Why Does FACTA Matter to Me?
FACTA stands for Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act. FACTA is the law which allows any American access to their credit report once per year.
How to Evaluate and Raise Your Credit Score
Why do some people get offers for pre-approved credit cards and others don't? What do car dealers know about your financial health that you don't know? The answer is your credit score.Your credit score is a number generated by a mathematical formula to estimate how likely you are to pay your bills.