
Credit Information

Warning: Free Credit Report Imposter Websites Springing Up on the Web

A recent amendment to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies to provide consumers with a free copy of their credit report, upon request, once every 12 months.Access to the free credit reports has been phased in beginning last December in the West and will finally be nationwide by 1 September.

Tackling Bad Credit

The first time I heard the term credit history was when I approached a lender for a secured loan. Being a first timer I was completely ignorant of the procedure and didn't even know that a credit record of our transactions is prepared by some credit reference agencies.

Understanding Your Credit Score

When you apply for credit one of the first things almost all credit officers do is check your credit score. Although not all of those officers explained to us what a credit score is, we are all rated according to it and the offers we receive were all dependent on that score.

Bad Credit Credit Cards

Chances are you've gotten your share of offers like this in the mail Bad Credit Credit Card, Bad Credit Visa Cards and Credit Cards for People With Bad Credit. Re-establish your credit with a bad credit credit card, credit cards for people with bad credit or pre-approved Visa cards regardless of your bad credit history, some with low introductory rates and other perks.

Credit Worthiness

Credit Worthiness is an important business and personal asset each person has to manage. I mean this is an asset which could make or break business relationships and interestingly in some cases personal relationships.

Your Credit Score

Credit scores: all lenders use credit scores to determine interest rates and credit limits.The credit scoring system was developed in the early 1950's.

How to Deal with Hire Purchase Debt

WHAT IS HIRE PURCHASE/CONDITIONAL SALE?Although people often talk about "buying on HP", Hire Purchase Agreements are quite unusual these days. Cars are the most usual goods sold under Hire Purchase or Conditional Sale Agreements.

Bailiffs & Council Tax - Knowing What To Do

This article is about bailiffs who may call trying to collect Council Tax or Community Charge (Poll Tax) arrears. If a bailiff has contacted you to collect another sort of debt the law might be different.

It Is In Your Best Interest To Do The Math On Your Credit Card Interest

If you begin foaming at the mouth once a month when you receive your credit card statement, join the millions of Americans that are foaming along with you. There is a growing outrage at the seemingly endless journey towards eliminating the balance on your credit card and that is due primarily to the extravagant interest rates charged by credit card companies.

Harassment of People in Debt by Creditors

HarassmentHarassment of people in debt by creditors or their agents is a criminal offence under the Administration of Justice Act 1970. It is often difficult to know what to do when you feel a creditor is not dealing with your account fairly.

Credit Report Hassles

There is no end to the amount of pain that your credit report can cause you. If you have a bad credit history this is something that can follow you around and wreak havoc on your life without you even knowing it.

Bank Robbery Growing In U.S.

Bank robbery has grown to become a huge problem in the United States but I am not talking about people robbing banks. I am talking about banks robbing people.

What Does Your Credit Say About You?

A credit report is more than just a snapshot of your financial picture; it can assist credit grantors in determining your overall risk factor. Additionally, lenders, credit grantors, and even human resource departments often use it as a tool to determine a person's character.

Debt Collection Agencies

Debt collection agencies are often a viable option for receiving payment on overdue bills. Here you can earn how debt collection agencies work and what to look for in reputable debt collection agencies.

Have You Ever Opened a Checking Account?

Maybe some of you are saving it in your trusty piggy bank, under your mattress or way back in a sock drawer. Although I'm glad that you are saving, your money is not doing anything for you locked up in your house.

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Credit Cards
Credit cards are a form of unsecured credit. The issuer is extending you a line of credit, usually tacking on all sorts of little surprises in the fine print.
Make Sure Your Credit Report Is Correct to Improve Your Interest Rates And Lower Insurance Premiums
Did you know that you could make sure to get the best rates on your auto and homeowners insurance simply by having a good credit score.Additionally a great credit score will allow you to get the best interest rates on your credit cards, car loans and even your home mortgage.
How To Save Money On Credit Cards
Some credit cards offer a cash advance option. But how good a deal is this?Not very.
Watch Out For Credit Repairs
It is very easy to find a site that is neat, professional-looking, and one that offers a free three-agency credit report and free credit report without a credit card.This scam is too good to be true.
Why Is It important!
Your credit is the most important thing you have other than your breathe. There are three types of people in this world.
Are 0% Credit Cards Reaching Their End?
Are Credit Card companies starting to feel the pinch? We all know that the Credit Card companies make their money by charging us interest on the money we borrow. With all the 0% balance transfer offers that we have seen over the last few years its no wonder these companies are concerned they aren't making any money.
Why Does Your Credit Card Rate Keep Going Up?
Have your read your credit card contract through completely? Do you know when it is okay for your creditor to raise your interest rates? If you are not sure about how and when your rates can be affected over the life of your contract you should take a few minutes to read your contract thoroughly from beginning to end.Creditors must have clauses in their contracts that give them the right to change your interest rates.
The Hitchhiker's Guide To Insanity
A new sickness is plaguing the UK called Denial. Denial has resulted in a national personal debt of almost £1.
Choosing The Credit Card That Is Right For You
Credit cards represent an important part of our financial lives. Having the right credit cards is essential and will make a big difference to your finances.
Trying to Land a Job? Poor Credit Scores May Hurt Your Chances
Many employers are now looking at an applicant's credit report for hiring purposes. During an interview process a potential employer may request your written consent to access your credit report.
10 Ways To Boost Your Credit Score
1. Deleting Errors in 48 HoursThis is the absolute fastest way to correct errors on your credit report and raise your credit score.
What You Need to Know About Credit Reports
You hear people talk about credit reports all the time but do you know what they are really all about? Well, if you have ever been turned down when applying for a credit card or a loan it is high time you learned all about your credit report and how you can get it working for you instead of against you.Let's start off by explaining what your credit report actually is.
Tired Of Being Broke?...Learn How To Force Banks To Give You Money!
Your Consumer Rights
If you have ever fallen behind on your debts you already know that dealing with your creditors can be a hassle. Sometimes it can be downright humiliating.
Credit Cards for Home Business
It is wise for you to have a company credit card like a VISA card. How can you find the least expensive bank card for your business? You may decide to use a VISA card from your local bank.
Dealing With and Repairing Bad Credit
Bad credit can be a burden for otherwise good credit. It may not seem fair at times that financial mistakes in the past can haunt you in the present, but with a little bit of work and some time bad credit can be turned around and repaired.
How To Use Your Credit Cards Wisely
Are you one of the thousands pulling your hair out trying to figure out how you're going to pay your credit card bills? Using your credit cards wisely and sensibly will help you avoid financial problems and establish a strong credit rating, so here's some information to help you get your credit card problems under control.Credit cards are convenient for buying things now and paying later.
Sound Advice For First Time Credit Card Users
If you are just entering the world of credit cards, there is important information you will need to know in order to manage your credit and your finances effectively. Establishing good habits and a good credit history now is the foundation for a solid financial future.
First Major Regulatory and Legislative Victory of 2005 for Creditors and Consumers
Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, collectors are not allowed to disclose a consumers past due debt to anyone other than the debtor and in some cases a spouse. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act would have required collectors to identify the registered name of their business in any pre-recorded messages to consumers or debtors.
Shoppers Beware - Tis The Season
It's the number one complaint from consumers and it only takes a moment for you to become a victim. While you search for holiday bargains, identity thieves are searching for targets - unsuspecting consumers.